Friday, February 21, 2014

Current Crush

thick sweater, skater skirt, structured bag

I seriously cannot get enough of Song of Style's outfit. In fact, ever since I developed the crush I've been obsessively thinking of ways to recreate it (ideally with items I already have in my closet) and have come up with these variations:

1. | 2. | 3.

1. | 2. | 3.

It seems as if the skater skirt is here to stay so stock up on your favorite chunky knits, add a pop of color with this or this and you're good to go from a day of lunch and shopping to a night out!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Rock Night Out

Rock Night Out

Is there any better outfit than a sharp, black blazer (perfect closet staple item to help you buy less), classic band tee, and perfectly worn denim? I think not. Paired with a dark, vampy lip and sexy, strappy heels you are set for a night out to see a local band or grab cocktails at a swanky new lounge. I really need to get my hands on a pair of Rag & Bone/Jeans and several gorgeous pieces from Jennifer Zuener's delicately gold and perfect-for-layering collection (also dying over this).

What's your go-to, always-sexy-and-classy look for a night out?

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Choose Well

A new mantra I'm trying to live by. Ever get that panicked, whimpering thought in the morning of I have nothing to wear! as you're staring at a closet completely packed with articles of clothing and shoes of every kind?? Yeah, me too. Well I'm trying a new thing called really spend time thinking about making a clothing/accessory/shoe purchase before you pull the trigger and it sits in your closet for years to come. One rule of thumb I'm implementing: asking myself can I think of 3 different outfits I can incorporate this (bootie, sweater, bracelet, whatever) into? Another great tried and true rule: Only buy something that looks absolutely amazing on! Like, it was completely made for you. What a concept, huh?

What are yours tips on choosing well and buying less? I'd love to hear them!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Monday, February 17, 2014

Messy Hair & Coffee

Is there anything better? I hope you all had a lovely and relaxing weekend! I for one did not leave the house yesterday and it was aaaaamazing. 

Happy Monday!

Blush & Navy Crush

Blush & Navy Crush
1. | 2. | 3. | 4. | 5. | 6.

If you've perused any recent fashion mag or followed NYFW , you know blush and navy are huge for transition to Spring, and I couldn't agree more. If you consider navy to be a masculine tone and blush to be flawlessly feminine, then this combo is the perfect juxtaposition. Is there anything better than fashion juxtapositions? Leather and lace, boyfriends jeans & cropped top, moto jacket and floral dress. I think not!

Those gorgeous peachy track pants and adorable "Darling!" sweater are currently on the way to my house and I cannot wait to pair them together. I may need to make a run to Forever21 to pick up that super slouchy and super stylish beanie ASAP. How would you style navy and blush? 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Keep It Faux

Unless you've been living under a rock, you probably know that rocking fur is a pretty huge deal in the fashion world. Personally, I absolutely love this look (and can finally dust off my faux fur vest I bought for a Halloween costume years ago!). HOWEVER, please keep the fur wearing FAUX! Really people, there is no excuse to wear real fur when there are so many amazing faux pieces out there. Don't believe me? Check it out below.

Keep It Faux

Monday, January 6, 2014


I can't help but get all giddy with the start of the new year. I was so ready for 2013 to be over and am so ready for a completely fresh start in 2014. I'm a sucker for resolutions so I wanted to share with all of you a few of mine:

1. Run a 5k (The Color Run) and a 10k (Race For The Rescues)
Given that I've never run a race in my life (nor can I remember the last time I've ran a mile nonstop, this resolution may be a little overzealous. However, one of this year's life goals is to lead a healthier lifestyle and what better motivation than training and running for a good cause?

2. Always have fresh flowers in the house.
Because...why not?!

3. Find (and wear) my "signature scent"
I know, I know. Some may be appalled to read that at almost 26 years old, I have yet to find my signature scent. Any recommendations I can try out? Do tell!

4. Start investing.
Ideally, set up a matching 401k with an employer, otherwise look into a Roth IRA. Why? Because I want to be that person at 65 years old travelling the world, going to fancy dinners, and just living a super cushy life!

I'm pretty confident with this year's resolutions. I've found that setting specific ones rather than general, typical ones (i.e. get in shape! work out more! eat health!) are much easier to commit to and achieve. For example, last year my resolutions were to get more involved in animal welfare (I'm now volunteering for two amazing animal nonprofits on a weekly basis!), go to more concerts (I went to a total of 7), and start painting (This one is still underway; I got an amazing acrylic paint set for Christmas and can't wait to use it).

Bring it, 2014!